Find and win grants effortlessly, with AI

We help nonprofits win more grant funding, by making grant research and writing 10x easier

Find new grants without trying

Receive alerts only for grant opportunities you have a high chance of winning. Our AI works 24/7 to find grant opportunities that are the perfect fit for your nonprofit

First Drafts in Milliseconds

Generate personalized responses to entire grant applications instantly, with  AI that learns from your past proposals, press coverage, and uploaded documents

Make Your Grant Work Effortless


Discover New Grants

Receive alerts whenever we detect new grants that you have a great chance of winning


Draft Responses Instantly

Generate personalized responses, in your own words, using your uploaded documents and past proposals


manage deadlines seamlessly

Our grant calendars and task lists help your team stay organized, so you never have to stress about another deadline

Frequently asked questions

What is this?


GrantMagic is an AI platform that helps nonprofits automate grant research and grant writing. Our mission is to give nonprofits more time and money to use towards serving their communities

Who is this made for?


Nonprofits in the United States that could benefit from grant funding,  but don't have enough spare resources for grant research and grant writing

How much does it cost?


$100 per month per organization, almost 50% the cost of alternative solutions. Waitlist members get free / early access to our platform

How can I sign up?


Join waitlist now to get free / early access to our platform and community when we launch

Ready to join us?

Waitlist members get free and early access to our platform and community